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F.N.G. (1983-1989)

Redirected from F.N.G.


  1. "Suicide's An Alternative/You'll Be Sorry"
  2. "Join The Army"
  3. "Trip At The Brain"
  4. "Suicidal Failure"
  5. "I Shot The Devil"
  6. "Suicidal Maniac"
  7. "Institutionalised"
  8. "I Feel Your Pain And I Survive"
  9. "How Will I Laugh Tomorrow"
  10. "Possessed"
  11. "If I Don't Wake Up"
  12. "Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right (By They Make Me Feel A Whole Lot Better)"
  13. "I Saw Your Mommy"
  14. "Human Guinea Pig"
  15. "Subliminal"
  16. "Surf And Slam"
  17. "Possessed To Skate"
  18. "I Want More"
  19. "The Feeling's Back"
  20. "A Little Each Day"
  21. "Suicyco Mania"
  22. "Pledge Your Allegiance"

wikipedia.org dumped 2003-03-17 with terodump