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Isle of Skye

Skye Of uncertain origin, but the Scots Gaelic sgiath meaning winged seems reasonable

The second largest island in Scotland (at 1700 km2), Skye has suffered famine and clearances over the latter part of the 18th century, leading to its badly depleted population of less than 10000 at the 1991 Census. A bridge linking Skye with the mainland of Scotland was built in the 1990s, with an unpopularly expensive toll.

It has some of the most dramatic and challenging mountain terrain in Scotland, including the Cuillin Hills[?], as well as a rich heritage of ancient monuments (it seems every village has a Broch watching over it), castles, and memorials.

The Talisker Distillery, which produces a single malt whisky, is beside Loch Harport on the west coast of the island.

See also: Small Isles Hebrides

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