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J. G. Ballard

James Graham Ballard (born November 18, 1930) is a British novelist remarkable for the range of genres of his novels - science fiction, modernistic art novel, and historical setting. A great many of his writings are about dystopias.

Novels and short story collections

Note: This is a partial list.

The Drowned World[?]
The Crystal World[?]
Terminal Beach[?]
Vermilion Sands[?]
High Rise[?] -- part of so-called "dystopian trilogy" (w/ "Concrete Island" and "Crash")
Concrete Island[?]
The Atrocity Exhibition[?]
Cocaine Nights[?]
Running Wild[?]
War Fever[?] -- a compilation of essays and stories
The Wind That Came From Nowhere[?]
Empire of the Sun[?] -- historical novel, based on his own adolescence in a Japanese P.O.W. camp in Shanghai.

See also: Brian Aldiss

External link

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