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Seven Days

Seven Days is a science fiction television series produced by UPN based around the premise of time travel.

The plot follows a secret US governmental organization who have developed a time travelling device based upon alien technology found at Roswell, which they use to go back in time and avert disasters. The title refers to the fact that the Backstep Project only possesses enough of the exotic substance that powers the device to send it back a maximum of seven days (they are, however, able to keep reusing their supply indefinitely, because each trip to the past, although using up fuel, results in a timeline where the trip does not have to be made and the fuel is not used up).

Three seasons of Seven Days were produced. All three seasons (with the exception of a single episode) have been shown in the USA, but the series remains virtually unseen anywhere else in the world. Only half of the first season has ever been shown in the UK, and a similar amount in Australia.

In May 2001 the series was cancelled despite Paramount's interest in purchasing further episodes.

A number of the episodes are now unlikely to be shown in the near future due to the events of September 11, 2001. Plots unlikely to be shown include,

Cast List

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